

Tragic horse love

A happy pair of horses lived in a meadow, a white stallion and a white mare. They happily lived in their private paradise, fully in love, with plenty of grass, sun etc. Their life was like a dream...

One day though, at the other end of the meadow, a black stallion made his appearance. At first they didn't pay much attention but as time progressed, the white mare began to grow fond of him. She knew that what she felt was wrong, however, deep inside, the seeds of yearning for the unknown and the mysterious, began to flourish. One day, when her hormones went off the chart, she decided to abandon her white companion and join the black stallion at the other end of the meadow. The white stallion had long ago sensed what was going on and as soon as the white mare left him, he realized that it was all over.
Blinded by despair, his heart torn in two, he realized that his life no longer had meaning. He had it all, lived in a paradise with the love of his life and now there he was, at the other end of the meadow, watching the illicit affair unfold, unable to react. Only one course of action remained.....

Without hesitation, he started galloping towards a cliff. During the final seconds of his drop, he didn't produce a single sound, accepting the fatal relief offered by the sharp rocks underneath...

The mare which had witnessed the entire scene from afar, froze as if violently awakened from her nirvana. At once she came to full realization of what she had done. She immediately reflected upon how tragic her fate was, destroying her one true love, their love, their happiness and all that for an ephemeral fling. She didn't have to think twice. Her hooves started galloping frantically to meet the same fate as her beloved.

The black stallion was emotionally crushed as he in turn observed the 2 lovers' mutual sacrifice, by giving a delayed kiss of death to their pure love. Such irony.....

Life for him became unbearable. The blood of the other two horses tainted his conscience until he finally broke. Seeking redemption from deep within his soul he also decided to take the fatal plunge.

As he jumped into the canyon, time froze, seconds felt like hours and the only thing that could be heard was the wind, as his mass swished through the void. Only a lone voice could be heard from the depths of the canyon, as sole accompaniment to his brief journey towards the great beyond; a voice that said.....

Who the f$%k is throwing horses???