

For the week beginning: 4/29/2024
(note: mm/dd/yyyy date display)

This period assures you of calm conditions with friends and fellow workers in your life so that you can go after more realistic aims without anxiety. Relax for the time being and try to regroup your strength. You should all remember that this period is not for making mistakes. It is a time of additional obligations and you are made to face difficult situations, proving your ability, your patience and your intelligence. You must keep your impulses in check and at the same time protect yourself from all kinds of difficulty. It is certain that luck is not with you during this time, and problems, from whatever direction, will make you undergo a challenging week. Control your impulsiveness, and don't answer to the comments of immature individuals in your workplace. Avoid arguments and nerves in your immediate environment and don't leave financial matters unresolved as they will likely cause difficulties later. Keep an eye on legal matters, as there is a danger that neglect or mistakes may lead you to unpleasant surprises.

There is relative stability in your emotional life but there is a need for an air of renewal. Your romantic mood is quite high and during this time most of you will have the opportunity to change a friendly relationship to a romantic one. As you can see... be very careful!!!

Numbers: 1, 30, 31
Day: Friday